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Together, let’s accelerate our visibility in the motorcycle world
The mission of the 68° partner program is to promote our respective products and services, without any direct financial exchange between our companies. It’s a win-win collaboration, based on cross-visibility and community involvement.
Join the 68° partner program
In a few words
The objectives of our partnership
The opportunity to reach a targeted audience of thousands of motorcyclists, active users of the 68° app, to promote your products, services, exclusive offers and events directly to this passionate community.
Our priority is to make our application known to European motorcyclists as quickly as possible, offering them an innovative and user-friendly solution for their journeys.
What 68° has to offer
Targeted communication
We highlight your offers and events when the 68° app is launched on the user’s phone, and when the user completes their journey (end of guidance).
Integrating your products into our store
We add your products and services to the 68° “Les indispensables” store, with a direct link to your own online store.
The relay in our social networks
We showcase your offers, events, products and services on our platforms (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok). You benefit from our community’s engagement.
What we expect in return
In exchange for the services offered by 68°, we expect our partners to provide similar support in promoting the 68° application to their own customers and communities. Each partner is free to define the most relevant actions according to their activity and communication channels.
The partnerships proposed by 68° are established for a period of 3 months to 1 year.
With the possibility of renewal based on results and synergies.
Let’s create opportunities and introduce our solutions to a passionate and growing community.
Join the 68° partner program today and benefit from increased visibility among European motorcyclists!