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Attract bikers

in your restaurantbakeriesupermarketsgroceryshopsnackfoodtruckbar for €9.90 excl. tax per year!

Make yourself known to the hundreds of thousands of users of the 68° app, Europe’s leading motorcycle travel app!

Do you have any questions?

We’re here to help 👇

Be visible directly in our GPS for only

Other options available: 3 years for €29.90 excl. VAT or €49.90 excl. VAT for life
Offer valid until 31/12/2024!
Be visible at all times directly in GPS 68°.
Your site details translated into all languages
Modify your information whenever you like
Stand out from the crowd by appearing in our favorites
No commitment: you are free to renew or not
Limit the number of competing establishments around you

3 easy steps to your 68° GPS listing

step 1

Order your listing

Simple, sensible and effective

step 2

Fill in your establishment details

There’s no obligation, and you can change your details at any time.

step 3

Welcome your new customers

And increase your sales

Appear when your customers are looking for you

By integrating your business card into the 68° GPS app, your customers can find you when building their itinerary, and along the way.

Be visible at all times in GPS 68°.
We protect you from the competition
Your data sheet translated into all languages
You're in the spotlight
Modify your information at any time
No commitment

They have listed their establishment on the 68° motorcycle GPS app.

“Since I listed the bakery on 68°, we’ve seen more bikers coming in. It’s easy to manage, and it brings me customers I wouldn’t have had otherwise.”

Boulangerie Seigle & Son

“68° has really helped Les Saveurs de Jeanne attract walk-in customers. I’m more visible than before, and it’s reassuring to be able to limit nearby competition.”

Les Saveurs de Jeanne grocery store

“By adding Chez Antoine to 68°, we’ve seen more bookings, bikers are stopping at our place. The fact that I can change my listing easily is a real plus for us to adapt to the seasons.”

Restaurant Chez Antoine

Augmentez votre chiffre d’affaires avec 68°

Prêts à attirer plus de clients dans votre établissement ?

Devenez partenaire de 68° dès aujourd’hui, c’est simple et vous pouvez annuler à tout moment !


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The 68° motorcycle GPS app

68° is the best GPS application for your motorcycle rides and roadtrips. No subscription, no in-app purchases: just fun!


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