Lots of new features in the latest version of the 68° app. Among them, we’ve chosen 3 … for 3 reasons: Firstly, because they’re the features you asked for first, secondly, because they’re really useful, and thirdly, because they don’t exist in any other app. Makes you wonder if other app makers listen to their users 😉
3 options for joining a route from your position
You can now rejoin a route at its starting point, at the point closest to your position, or at any other waypoint. A very practical solution for those who ride in a group and start from a different position, or for resuming a route after having stopped the application!

You can reach the course at the nearest point.

You can also join him at the starting point

or at any point along the route!

Settings accessible at any time… or almost
The parameters that are important for guiding you in the right conditions can be accessed directly from the GPS. There’s no need to leave the guidance system and dig into the app’s settings!
You can test and adjust the app’s sound, choose dashboard indications and set alerts at any time… provided you drive slowly, that is. It’s simple, but nobody thought of it before 68°!
Adding waypoints during guidance
You can now add a waypoint at any time during guidance. This was a request from many users, and you’ll soon see how useful it is:
– Faced with a blocked road? Look at the GPS map and add a point on the fly to force the app to take the detour YOU want. The same goes for traffic jams, accidents, etc.
– You meet other bikers who tell you about a magnificent viewpoint. One click on the map and 68° will make the detour!
A huge thank you to all the users who asked us for this feature. Another 68° exclusive thanks to you!

Clothes for you and for us!
The 68° boutique is our main source of revenue, and it’s what keeps our app free. But it’s also a reflection of our community: Quality, Originality and Transparency . By buying from our boutique, you’ll not only be making a gesture to guarantee the app’s free status, but you’ll also have access to products that are durable, resistant and original!